September 2017 archive

Introduction to Fahrenheit 451

The setting of Fahrenheit 451 is in a dystopia. It has not said exactly where it takes place. The time frame is somewhere in the future. The setting is odd because it actually resembles everyday life in the real world. I think that this helps show that the dystopia in the book is actually that far off from where the world is in this day and age.

The main character of the story was Guy Montag. He is a firefighter. He is not the type of firefighter you would expect though. Instead of putting out fires, he creates them. He burns books. He meets his young neighbor Clarrise, who shows him what life was like when people did not have to live in fear and could see ideas through books instead of just television.

Gendered Workplace Discrimination

Right now, in the workplace, women are being discriminated against for their gender. There are many issues like wage gap, ability to get promotions, interview questions, starting salaries, and the ability to even get the job. Even with proper job qualifications, women still continue to struggle in the workplace.

The first issue is the wage gap. The wage gap is the significant difference in pay women and men make for doing the same job with the same qualifications. The current wage gap is that women only make seventy-seven percent of what men make, or seventy-seven cents to the dollar. “That”s not fair!” says Emma Fiess. “We should be getting equal treatment.” There is actually a legal act that was put into place called the equal pay act of 1963. It helped take the wage gap from sixty-two percent to seventy-seven percent. This means it helped close the wage gap by fifteen percent. However, there is still a significant difference between what men and women make.

Another important issue is the ability to get a job or receive a promotion. In a recent study performed by Corrine Moss-Racusin, scientists that run a laboratory were given job applications. Every application was identical except for one thing: Their name and gender. Half of the scientists were given applications with a male’s name and the other half of were given applications with a female name. In the end, men scored significantly higher in projected competence, hire ability, and their willingness to mentor them. Even though all of the information was identical. another interesting result of this was how much they were willing to give as a starting salary. they were willing to give men a starting salary of $30,238.10 and only give women a tarting salary of $26,507.94. Even with the identical information.

Another thing women struggle with in the workplace is the interview questions. one very interesting example of this is the interview questions they are asked if they have, or plan on having children. These types of questions lead into another important topic where statistics show that women who have children are less likely to be hired than women who don’t have children and men.

Another interesting topic is women are more likely to be judged based on their appearance than men. Some women struggle to be taken seriously in the workplace because they are “too pretty” or “too young.” Some women also struggle with being told they can not do particular jobs, such as salesperson, because they are not “pretty enough.” It’s ridiculous that we still are being treated unfairly because of our looks.” says Kaia Recker.

In conclusion, women are discriminated in the workplace for many ridiculous and absurd reasons and it is not right. Hopefully one day, no one will be discriminated against for anything. Everybody needs to work together to solve this issue.

Workplace Discrimination (Rough Draft)

Right now, in the workplace, women are being discriminated against for their gender. There are many issues like wage gap, ability to get promotions, interview questions, starting salaries, and the ability to get the job. Even with proper qualifications women continue to struggle in the workplace.

The first issue is the wage gap. This is one of the most talked about issues. The wage gap is the significant difference in pay women and men make for doing the same job and having the same qualifications to do the job. The estimation of what the wage gap is that women make seventy-seven percent of what men make, or seventy-seven cents to the dollar. “That’s not fair!” says Emma Fiess. “we should be getting equal treatment.” There is actually an act called the Equal Pay Act of 1963 that helped close the wage gap by fifteen percent. It took the gap from sixty-two percent to seventy-seven percent. However, there is still a significant difference between what men and women make.

Another important issue is the ability to get a job or receive a promotion. In a recent study performed by Corrine Moss-Racusin, scientists were given job applications. Every application contained the same information except for the name and gender. Half of the scientists were given an application with a male’s name and the other half received an application with a female’s name. In the end, men scored significantly higher in projected competence, hire ability, and their willingness to be mentor the applicants. Another interesting statistic that came out of it is that they were willing to give men a starting salary of $30,238.10 and only give women a starting salary of $26,507.94.

Another thing that women struggle with in the workplace while being hired is, the interview questions they are asked. One very interesting example of this is that women are often asked if they have or ever plan on having children, whereas men are rarely ever asked that sort of question.This question leads into another important topic which is that women who have children are even less likely to be promoted and in some places even hired in the workplace than women who do not have children and men.

Another interesting topic is women are more likely to be judged in the workplace based on their looks than men. Some women struggle to be taken seriously because they are to “pretty” or “young.” Some women also struggle with being told they can’t do particular jobs such as being a salesperson because they are not “pretty enough.” People also discriminate against women because they look “too old” or “too young.”

In conclusion, women are discriminated in the workplace for many ridiculous reasons and it is not right. Everybody needs to work together to help solve this problem.


Hurricane Harvey Hits Houston Hard

This week Texas has received over 50 inches of rain. Nearly everybody in its path has had to evacuate. Shelters are starting to hit their maximum capacity. People”s houses are so flooded they will have to start their lives all over again.

Not only is this hurting the people of Texas, but the incredible amount of rainfall will cause oil and gas prices in Texas to go up. Some gas stations are selling for over eight dollars. This is causing many people to have even more difficulties with evacuating. If families can’t afford to pay for gas they cant leave the area and are forces to stay put in Texas.

Anther concern is how contaminated the water may be. If the water passes though an area that has harsh chemicals, bacteria, or anything else that is harmful, this could make the water very dangerous and can cause health problems.

Hurricane Harvey is said to be the most costly storms in U.S. history. Based on what city officials have found it will cost billions of dollars to repair Houston and the other cities around it. They still do not have a final price tag though, due to the fact that they are still trying to keep the rest of the city safe and they have to wait for water levels to lower.

“Horrible. Absolutely horrible,” says one woman.

“This devastation has changed so many peoples lives. Texas will never be the same.

Hurricane Harvey is a massive devastation on Texas. This is one of the worst storms in United States history, and no one knows what is coming next with this hurricane.